Economic Development | UNIDO supports training of trainers on health and safety of workers
MOGADISHU, November 18th 2020 — Keeping workers in various Somali industries and sectors healthy and safe is crucial to protect public health and help businesses to survive during the COVID-19 pandemic — this is especially so as the cost of preparing the workplace and workforce for COVID-19 prevention is often lower than responding when infections and outbreaks occur.
In this context, UNIDO designed a three-day programme on COVID-19 occupational health and safety training for Somali trainers, with a particular emphasis on the risks in Somalia’s most critical economic sectors — fisheries, agriculture and livestock.
The training was aimed at experts from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Somali Chamber of Commerce, at both federal and state levels, the Enterprise Development Units in various regional cities, and the Federation of Somali Trade Unions. The experts will transfer the knowledge gained from the training to the Somali workforce in different organizations.
The training was funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and involved the collaboration of Notre Dame University (NDU) in Lebanon.
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